Octopus Package Generation
Octopus compatibility is included in the template for creating nuget packages from a CI-system and substituting variables in configuration files.
Generating Nuget-packages
The package Octopack is added to the project. This adds a custom MSBuild target that packages your application. The file [Your solution name].Web.nuspec is also added to also include the contents of the folder Static (where all frontend resources should be placed).
When building the solution, e.g. in TeamCity, the resulting nuget package will be in /obj/octopacked and to publish to Octopus' nuget feed, a build step of type Nuget Publish can be added.
The packages can then be located using this glob pattern: **\obj\octopacked\*.nupkg
Transforming configuration
The .Release-configurations include variables that Octopus will subsitute if the Package Step Substitute variables in files are active.
The variables shipped by default is:
Db: Connection string to Episerver Database
AppDataPath: Path to app data folder
LicenseFilePath: Path to license file
LogDirectory: Path to directory for log files
SearchServer: Url to server where episerver search is hosted (include the IndexingService/IndexingService.svc-part)
BlobStorage: When using Azure, connection string to blob storage
EventBus: When using Azure, connection string to event bus