Creuna Basis Slim

Edit Mode features

Some extra features are included for edit mode.

Enum translations

A selection factory, EnumSelectionFactory, is added that enables translations of an enum. It can be found in the namespace [Your solution name].Web.Business.SelectionFactories

[SelectOne(SelectionFactoryType = typeof(EnumSelectionFactory<OpenGraphType>))]

The translations are fetched from lang/translations.[lang] using the xpath /Enums/[enumtype]/[stringvalue].

Tab ordering and access control

To add a new tab, add the tab name to the TabNames-class. An attribute to determine order and required access should be added.

[Display(Name = "SEO", Order = 1000)]
public const string Seo = "SEO";

Max Content Area items

To limit the number of elements in a content area, add the attribute [MaxContentAreaItemCount(Limit = X)] to the property. This can be found in the [Your solution name].Web.Business.Validation-namespace.