Creuna Basis Slim

Writing Documentation

When contributing to the documentation, a few ways to do it comes to mind:

  • You are contributing a new feature and writing documentation for it
  • You are correcting spelling mistakes, clearing up ambiguous wording or improving the flow of the text
  • You noticed the documentation is lacking for an existing feature

Or, a totally different reason I didn't think of brought you here. Regardless of the reason, here is how to write documentation:

Getting it up and running

Documentation is written in markdown and can be found in the docs-folder. To start writing documentation, run build.cmd from repository root with the build target WriteDocumentation

build.cmd WriteDocumentation

The script will convert all markdown files to html and put them in the output folder. Open one of them in a browser to see the result. If the script detects a change in one of the markdown-files it will regenerate the corresponding html-file. You must manually reload the browser to see the changes.

The script uses FSharp.Formatting to generate html. More complete documentation of the capabilities can be found there, but here is a short reference list:

Linking to other documents

When linking to other documents in the same documentation, use the relative path to the file from the current document and substitute .md with .html.

[Link to document at same level](document.html)
[Link to document in a subfolder](subfolder/document.html)
[Link to document higher in the structure](../document.html)

Mixing html and markdown

You can mix in html markup in the markdown (just look at the source .md for this section)